Monday, June 9, 2008

Julia Quinn / Eloisa James Benefit Auction

Julia Quinn and Eloisa James are authors who hardly need introduction. They are enduring stars in the historical romance sky, who maintain a joint bulletin board with lively reader discussions, and have now decided to direct their popularity towards a deserving cause.

For the month of June, they are hosting an AUCTION to benefit the recently bereaved family of a board member. Many goodies are available, from Advanced Reading Copies of upcoming releases, to autographed copies of bestselling books, to entire series, to items of special interest to writers.

For more information, go here:


Julia Phillips Smith said...

Very sad loss of someone who'd beaten the odds for so long. Thanks for sharing the story.

M. said...

Life is sad sometimes, there's no escaping it. I felt especially touched by the story because when my father passed away during my childhood, his colleagues banded together to teach his university courses for the remainder of the school year and sent the cheques to my mom. So as a person who benefitted from the same spirit of generosity in the past, I'd like to do my bit for the three children of the bereaved family.