The 3rd annual edition of Book Blogger Appreciation Week (bookbloggerappreciationweek.com), founded by Amy of myfriendamysblog.com, has just concluded. Apprentice Writer participated and had loads of fun in the first two years, and isn't quite sure how she missed signing up this year.
No matter; even non-signupees can make the rounds and find out such things as what one book each participant nominated as a 'Forgotten Treasure' that somehow didn't get the press it deserved when first published, reciprocal interviews introducing another participant, etc.
The part that AW is always charmed by is the creativity not only of blogpost content (and wow, are there ever a lot of smart, erudite bloggers out there*), but of the blogs themselves, so much so that AW wishes she had waited for more of an earnest effort from her own muse when setting up this blog. Here a tiny sample sprinkling of bloggers with undisputed flair:
Title Flair:
Musings of an All Purpose Monkey (Wins for best melding of unboring & self-confident)
Phantom Paragrapher (Apprentice Writer is a sucker for clever alliteration)
Perpetual Pageturner (Ditto)
Lit Snit (Short, Sweet, Fab!)
Semicolon (Exactly!)
The Lost Entwife (With excellent Tolkien quote in place of slogan)
Bermudaonion (Love it, particularly because blog has nothing to do with cooking)
The Literary Omnivore (So much more elegant than AW's usual "I read all kinds of stuff")
Slogan Flair:
Tony's Reading List: Too Lazy to be a Writer, Too Egotistical to be Quiet
Stella Matutina: Books and Stories and Musings, Oh My!
Title & Slogan Flair: Total Win!
Books, Movies and Chinese Food: The Idea for a Perfect Evening
Whimpulsive: It's Not a Word, but it Should Be
Gentle Reader: Come across any memorable Blog Titles or Slogans? Please share!
* Here one such snippet that made AW laugh:
"...It seems that very, very few people have read Guy Gavriel Kay's LORD OF EMPERORS, a book that moved me to tears with a chariot race. (Lots of books move me to tears; few do so with sporting events)." Stella Matutina
Thanks so much for the shout out! My blog name comes from the fact that I was born in Bermuda. My son came up with the name because my mom calls me her Bermuda onion.
Thanks for the mention! :-)
bermuda - i figured it was something like that, given the pink sands in your header
elizabeth - monkeys (and apes) are always welcome here
Thanks for the shout out, Maya! I'm glad my little comment about the sporting events made you laugh, too. :)
Memory/Stella - You're welcome, and thanks for the memory jog! I'll try to drop by for more entertaining reviews.
Thanjs for the shout out! and thanks for stopping by. I love BBAW for all the new blogs and bloggers I meet!
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