Apprentice Writer likes hanging around with writerly-type people. As a rule, they are fun, creative, smart, and most especially, resilient. Anyone who isn't couldn't bear to endure the long, hard, dispiriting slog that is submitting one's work for publication.
So it is always a thrill when one of her writer friends reports success - in winning a contest, getting an agent, or the really Big Kahuna:
AW is delighted that two of her writing buddies have cleared this hurdle.
Tiffany Clare's debut book, SURRENDER OF A LADY, has just hit U.S. bookstore shelves. With settings in Constantinople (Turkey) and Corfu (Greece), it is sure to please historical romance fans looking for something different. AW looks forward to border hiccups being cleared so she can have the pleasure of purchasing a copy from a Canadian bookstore shelf, and enjoying those exotic locations. Ms. Clare is currently on blogtour to support her debut release. Learn more at her website and grog.
Vicki Essex just made her first sale. FIGHTING FOR HER LOVE features a mixed-martial artist heroine and as such is sure to please contemporary romance fans looking for something a little bit different. Until it is actually on virtual and IRL bookstore shelves, readers can enjoy reading Vicki's alternately funny and instructive blog. Vicki is celebrating her this next step in bringing her characters to life with a fab blog contest from now till end of November. AW loved the so-campy-they're-ultra-cool vintage Harlequin prizes. Learn more here.
Congratulations, ladies. Your success is mondo encouraging to us shlubs still toiling in Prepublicationland.
Thanks, lady! Hope you'll swing by to do a guest spot on my blog someday!
Vicki - Love to. Do guest bloggers get a pair of the cool black hitops on your header? ;)
Very cool news and great sounding plots! Better add to the TBR...
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