Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Gaspingly Funny, the Hogwarts Edition

Apprentice Writer braves the crashing waves of the cyberocean, surfing hither and yon to bring the Gentle Reader amusement (or as Mr. Apprentice Writer puts it: 'Stop procrastinating about what you're really supposed to be doing, already!').

On a pitstop at Angieville she took a detour to the livejournal of one Cleolinda, movie reviewer extraordinaire, who has distilled 'Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince' down to its screamingly funny essence. Apprentice Writer hasn't even seen the movie yet and wheezed with merriment.


*Warning: depending on your work or kids, may not be work- or child-safe*

1 comment:

Snaggle Tooth said...

I have to wait for the dvd, n love the HP series so far in movir=e form, now I'm off to go check this out, thanks!