Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Last days of October.

The Gentle Reader knows what that means.


Yes, Apprentice Writer has signed up for the '30 Days of Literary Abandon' again, armed only with a snippet of an idea culled from, of all things, a newspaper article announcing the kickoff of a restaurant critic's new food column, and the story of how he and his first guest met. That's all that was needed to commit to writing 50,000 fresh new somehow-or-other connected words. No plotpoints, no character outlines - heck, no character names! - none of that. It's the month of writing dangerously, after all.

Even better, last night AW attended a coffee-house get-together (what in the world would literary types do without coffee-houses, those Boardrooms of the vocabulary rich and wallet poor?) of fellow Wrimos in York region. It was a mixed bunch: male, female, student, day-jobber, midlifer, married-with-kids, not-yet-dating. All with two things in common.

Tendency to laugh a lot (there was many a sidelong glance from other patrons, and the occasional barrista).

Eyes shining with the light of excitement at their utterly unique, kick-ass literary idea that each could not wait to plunge into. Atomic koalas? Time travel philosophy? Quest in the BC interior? Leprechauns? Innercity ecocults? Brunch journalism? You bet.

We all signed our NanNoWriMo contracts ("..pledge to leave our work unmolested by Inner let our innate creativity and brilliance free rein...." etc.) and planned to meet again in a week's time so as to bolster fading enthusiasm and brainstorm plot stoppages.

AW will be working on her Nanovel most Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings between 9:30-11:15 at the Richmond Hill Central Library on the second floor at one of the south-looking solo window tables. If you like - please join her.

Or join the overall insanity:
Wrimos of York region have a thread on the 'Forums: Canada: Ontario: Elsewhere' board.


Thomma Lyn said...

Cool, I'm NaNo-ing, too. Come and friend me (can't remember if we've friended each other on NaNo before -- argh, my Swiss Cheese brain!).

*giggling* at the concepts you mentioned -- how about a combination: atomic koalas who have created inner-city ecocults? ;)

M. said...

Hooray, another Wrimo! Yes I'll come friend you. What are you writing this year?

Wylie Kinson said...

Hey M -- good for you!
I'm still on the fence... I'm a handful of words away from finishing my current wip and don't know if I want to set it aside or jump into revisions/edits.

Cool about other Yorkies doing it!!

M. said...

"Handful of words away from finishing my WIP" - are there any more beautiful words? I think not

Julia Phillips Smith said...

'Tendency to laugh a lot (there was many a sidelong glance from other patrons, and the occasional barrista).' - LOL, M!

I'll be deep into the madness right alongside you.

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