Thursday, September 17, 2009

Page 1 & Giveaway Announcement

"The duke made his way out of Hyde Park with his usual loose-limbed, easy gait...Ahead waited his luxuriously appointed townhouse, a snifter of brandy, and not a woman is sight to scold him. In a word, perfection." From The Dulcet Duke"

Chapter 1:
"Sam Carson strolled out of Central Park, a long blade of grass between his teeth... (His humming) petered out on a single flat note of dread. Across the street, Veronica paced in front of his building, looking (angry) enough to vault the six lanes of streaming traffic in a ferocious leap, plant one of her red stiletto heels in his chest, and then fling him under the tires of the nearest SUV , after first, naturally, retrieving her Jimmy Choo."

from 'How to Tame a Modern Rogue' by Diana Holquist
Grand Central Publishing, August 2009

Please come back tomorrow for Apprentice Writer's review of 'How to Tame a Modern Rogue'.

Also, in honor of Book Blogger Appreciation Week, Apprentice Writer will hold her first ever giveaway!

And on Saturday, a Q & A with the lovely Diana Holquist in which she shares her favorite scene from the book, among other things.

1 comment:

Julia Phillips Smith said...

I'll be back tomorrow - meanwhile, just wanted to let you know I enjoyed The Strangely Beautiful Tale of Miss Percy Parker ever so much. The romantic couple is very poignant, the lives of the ghosts are intriguing and the spooky bits are great.

It reads very much like a Young Adult title, however. Not sure if you're into that.

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